The Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN) welcomes the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Transformation proposal to strengthen the Agency’s ability to deliver on its development and humanitarian mission. The Agency’s proposal meets four out of five of MFAN’s widely endorsed structural requirements for an effective aid agency. USAID: 1) remains an independent lead aid agency; 2) strengthens its policy and budget function; 3) improves accountability and efficiency; and, 4) focuses its approach.
However, the Agency must request adequate funding to carry out its mission. MFAN recommends that USAID further partner with Congress, the development community, and developing country stakeholders on its proposed reforms, and ground them in the larger policy framework of a U.S. Global Development Strategy.
Here is a full summary of the aid effectiveness elements of USAID’s proposal, and questions for Congress and stakeholders to consider.